I was not satisfied with the export ADIF from Writelog and Import ADIF to
DX4WIN to import the WriteLog logs from the ARRL CW and PHO DX Contests this
year.  I made a new filter for DX4WIN inport to add the power exchange
(RCVD, Sequence Number, Received Frequency, and Transmit Frequency for
uploading WriteLog files into DX4WIN for the ARRL CW and PHONE DX Contests.
The following notes may help someone else who wants to do the same thing:

Export your Writelog as .wk1 format and open in Microsoft EXCEL. (I put both
CW and PHO logs in same EXCEL listing to import all at once.)
Do a find and replace on the column with PH to change to PHO (DX4WIN import
filter does not recognize PH as Phone.)
Delete the header's) and double click each column to get minimum column
Format the frequency columns and set to NUMBER formatting. Format the RST
and SEQ numbers as Text so they will left justify.
Save log in space delimited format (.prn)
Copy any filter that uses an ASCII file.  I used ARRL Contest Submission.
Select Edit from the pull down menu and change the title to ARRL DX 2002 PHO
and CW
Change the suffix on the file on this same window from TXT to PRN.

I have listed the Position numbers I used, but these may vary depending on
the width of the columns that you have in your spreadsheet.  Mine was
minimal, but those with over 1000 contacts will have 4 digit sequence
numbers and those that operated 160 may need to adjust the band filter.

Set up Band from 16/80/40 (Mine was Position 20 with a length of 2, but I
don't use 160 so you may have to change this one)
Next set up call sign (Mine was Position 63 with a length of 10)
Next set up date a yyyy-mm-dd (Mine was Position 28 and the length was
automatically set to 10)
Next set up mode CW-PHO-FSK (Mine was Position 23 with the length
automatically set to 3)
Note 1 to be stored with QSO set up (Mine was Position 1 with length of 3)
This stores the log sequence number of the qso in the notes field, but those
with over 999 qsos will need 4 digits here.
Note 2 to be stored with QSO notes set up (Mine was Position 12 with length
of 8) This stores the receive frequency in the notes.
Note 3 to be stored with QSO notes set up (Mine was Position 4 with a length
of 8) This stores the transmit frequency in the notes.  This will give both
frequencies where split operation was used.
Next set up RECEIVED (Mine was position 79 with a length of 4) This stores
the Power of Anything else you wrote for the DX power or State for DX).
Next set up RSTR (Mine was 77 with a length of 3) This is the RST you
received from the DX Station.
Next set up RSTS (Mine was 74 with a length of 3) This is the RST you sent
to the DX station.
Next set up the time in HH:MM (Mine was 38 with a length of 5 automatically
Next put in the Prefix (Mine was 116 with a length of 4)

Save the filter and exit.  Import the .prn file.  Save a copy of your log
file before the imports so you can start over easily.  If you get any
errors, check them out very carefully and then fix the filter until you have
no errors.

I also added a group number for each contest so they show up in the Same
Call Window as ARRL DX CW Contest or ARRL DX PHO Contest.  The change group
command makes this very easy to do after you set up the edit group names and

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