Dear friends-
I am using data of managers from DX bulletins -
so if published incorrect data it will be wrong info in my update.
QSL information was change from one issue to other  - so my update is
no cumulative.
Before give update I was inform what type of DX bulletins I am using.
It was no possible give 100% correct info - so before update from my
information please check by yourself.
If anybody find any mistake and inform me I will add correction to
next update.
Everybody can convert managers data from any DX bulletin - it was VERY
easy . I am using Word97 and it work perfect.
Sorry for trouble which I give with wrong info.
Any QSL info from WPX SSB Contest will be appreciate for special
Contest update.
Best regards,

LA> Questions that arise are:
LA> Do later updates overwrite the old data?
LA> Is there any warning when this happens?  I don't want to overwrite old 
LA> data with possible incorrect new data.  I wish it was possible to keep a 
log of this data.
LA> How reliable is Vlad's data?  That is, which DX bulletins does he get data 
LA> and how reliable are they.  I have noticed a lot of DX bulletins will have 
LA> or just plain wrong QSL manager data.

LA> AFAIK there is no way to extract the DX station call and QSL manager call
LA> to a file - that makes it very hard to check what's going on. 

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