My first advice to you until you get your computer to work is to print out a
copy of your log on paper.  Right click the log and print and you will have
a permanent copy.  Do the same thing each day by searching on the present
day or the day before or the week before if you do not make a lot of
contacts, right click and you can print the last days log. Save a copy of
your log and .cty file each day on a floppy disk and rotate them.

Copy your log each day to either a cd rom along with the .cty file.  This
will give you a permanent copy of your log and save each day under a new
date on the directory on the cdrom.

Save your log regularly with the save command.  If you have a crash, save
that log with the present date followed by a letter suffix.  As soon as you
save it, compare it with your log.  One of them will contain the latest
contacts.  Until you get to where you are comfortable with DX4WIN and your
computer, you may also want to save a copy of the backup file just in case
you make a mistake.

To find the backup log, simply do an open for the name of the file you just
saved.  It would normally be in the SAVE directory under DX4WIN.  It is
important that you check each of the 13 files, particularly the last day or
so of contacts.  I use the FILTER/COUNT to get a qso count, but you can do
the same thing by looking at the FILE/INFO for each of the saved logs.
Since you did not correct the logs when you had the problem, you will need
to print out the last page of each file and then compare that with your
regular log.  If you find a qso that is not in the log, select QSO/ADD OFF
LINE.  After you do this, your log will be up to date and it is easy to keep
it that way.

What kind of computer and operating system are you running to have that much
trouble?  DX4WIN is solid as a rock.  I am running Windows 2000 Professional
on a home build Athlon machine.

There is NO need to buy any other software to ensure that your log is always
saved.  All programs that do an incremental (packet) save to a CD ROM are
not as reliable as saving your log on a floppy disk as they do not build a
catalog of the disk contents until you close out the disk.  A single scratch
can cause you to lose months of data on a CDR that is packet written and
they are sometimes destroyed by a power failure while the packet disk is in
the disk drive.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 12:15 AM
Subject: [Dx4win] Backup logs

Unfortunately, my computer now and then just resets itself for no
reason.  So, when I turn it back on DX4WIN prompts me to save the unsaved
QSOs to a different backup file, which now number 13.  How do I find those
and get them into the log?  The answer is probably in the instruction book,
which I have, but I can't find it.  As you have discerned, I'm not very
computer literate.

And if I'm reading this reflector correctly, I find it depressing that I
to buy yet another program in order to back up DX4WIN to a CD/RW.

Thanks for the help.

73, Dave Bell, W6AQ

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