At 01:02 AM 4/24/2003, Pete Smith wrote:
 >>This seems to work -- make sure in Preferences|QSO|QSODate that you are set
 >up to search a range of dates.  Press F8, then enter the EARLIEST QSO date
 >you want, put the same date in the QSODate field, and "N" in the CNFM
 >field.  Press [enter] and you will be asked for the last date.  Enter the
 >date you want the search to stop, and press [enter] again.  That will give
 >you all the QSOs between the two dates which have been QSLed and which have
 >not been confirmed.

This seems to work when you enter a date in the QSO date field, but I can't 
get it to ask me the data range when I enter the date in the QSL date 
field.  I would really like to be able to search on the QSL date range if I 

Thanks for the pointer.

73, Dick
Dick Flanagan W6OLD NV SM

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