Hi Cesar,

Thank you for the differences file, I will look at it later this week.

What follows is a long USA-centric explanation about CQ Zone mappings and

CQ Zone information is NOT stored in your logbook.  It's only stored in the
DX4WIN.CTY file.  If you log a QSO and the zone you enter is different from the
default, then DX4WIN will create a callsign mapping for that QSO.

If you import your log and tell DX4WIN to use its own values (instead of using
the imported values), all USA QSOs will default to their "natural" zone based
on the callsign:

  W1, W2, W3 and W4 = Zone 5
  W5, W8, W9 and W0 = Zone 4
          W6 and W7 = Zone 3

If the zone DX4WIN would have assigned is different than what is in your .DXQ
(export/import) file, then you will get an Error marked for each such QSO.

NOTE:  If you simply update your DX4WIN.CTY file, and open your log (without
importing it), you will NOT get any zone errors.  However, the zones in your
logbook will reset to what the new DX4WIN.CTY file thinks they should be, which
might be different from what your previous DX4WIN.CTY file said.

In the case of USA callsigns, DX4WIN uses the STATE field to determine the CQ
Zone. This fixes problem cases like WV which is really in Zone 5, and WY which
is really in Zone 4.  It also fixes callsigns like K5ZD in MA, DX4WIN will
assign Zone 5 (what the state says) and not Zone 4 (what the call says). If you
do the same import as above, but the state field is filled in, DX4WIN will not
report zone errors (unless the zone in your original log is not correct for
that state).

Now if you import a CQWW contest log where the default zone is different from
the "natural" zone (i.e. K5ZD sent Zone 5 in the contest, but his callsign
indicates he should be in Zone 4), *and* if you tell DX4WIN to accept the
imported values (instead of using its own values from the DX4WIN.CTY file), the
logbook will be correct (CQ zone will match your contest log), but each
callsign will cause a new callsign mapping to be added to the database.

There are too many of these exceptions to count. The database would grow HUGE
if they were all included.  I have chosen only to map callsigns that are
outside their default country, i.e. a WL7 who really lives in Arizona. This
keeps the database size managable.

So you have two options:

1.  Accept the DX4WIN values.  For confirmed QSOs, make sure that
    the STATE field is filled in, and the zone will be correct

2.  Accept your imported values.  Your own country file will grow.
    When there is a new release of the country file, merge your
    old one into the new one, preserving all your zone mappings.

I'm speaking mostly about USA callsigns here.  Antarctica has similar problems.
 However, because there is not really any standard, unique prefix for
Antarctica (CE9, KC4, VP8 etc.), all of these callsigns are mapped and should
have the correct CQ Zone in the database.

I hope this explanation helps.  Bottom line:  I'm not going to add all these
zone-exception callsigns to the database.  You're welcome to try to manage it
on your own.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.com
PGP Fingerprint: D8E2 3D78 339F A7F1 8C13  1193 B5D1 4FB6 79D1 70DC

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