I'm playing with the Demo version of 6.01 while waiting for my registration
key.  There are lots of good changes -- I'm particularly pleased with the
SO2R.  Thanks to Paul and Steve for the improvements to an already great
logging program.

And the World map enhancements are excellent.  But I notice on the map, that
doing a Find on a County in the listing actually shows the NEXT county in
the listing, rather than the correct county.  For example, when I did a
"find" on my county, Marion, MO, the map highlighted the following county,
Marion, MS.  When I did a Find on the county preceding Marion, MO, which is
Marion, KY, the map highlights Marion, MO.

Find works great for the other tabs and information on the World map, such
as country, prefix, city, IOTA, islands.

73, Cliff  K0CA

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