
The listbox only works with fonts that are fixed pitch.


At 10:32 PM 7/14/03 -0400, Rick Stoneking wrote:
>I have another weird problem.  I am in the process of 'upgrading' my Pentium I 
>133MHz shack computer to a new Pentium II 233MHz box (bleeding edge, I know) 
>and so I am installing all of my ham programs on the new computer (bigger hard 
>drive too!) and I am having a problem in the Preferences setup for DX4WIN.  I 
>doubleclick on the font name (under the Screen Tab) for the 'Heading' or 
>'Input' font and the list box pops up showing all of the zillions of fonts 
>that are available, but when I double click on the 'Listbox' font name I get a 
>list of only seven fonts (Courier, Courier New, Crystal, Fixedsys, Hyperfont, 
>Lucida Console, Terminal).  I have checked the old computer (also running 
>6.02) and it does the same thing, except the choices are different.  Does 
>anyone know how to control which fonts are available for the Listbox entry?  
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Paul van der Eijk (KK4HD)

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