If your cluster is using CLX software, use the command
SET/ALIVE. The cluster (I'm told) will then do the pinging to you. Seems to

73, Duke

> I have the same problems.. With my telnet cluster of first preference. I
can't stay connected beyond a couple of hours. I asked this same question
about 6 months ago, and what I was told is that although many have asked for
the feature, for some reason, it is not perceived as necessary..     So, we
just keep getting disconnected.
> Paul.. Please relent and give us a pinging feature in a future upgrade
(and I will quickly upgrade to the newest edition.. !   J     ). Add a
switch to make it something that people that don't want it can turn it off,
but all of us who could really use it, could turn it on.  variable ping
interval 10 minutes to 2 or 3 hours.. Sounds like a plan..
> 73
>                  Gary
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