At 11:23 AM 4/13/2004, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
 >--- Dick Flanagan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >> I find it amazing that all these ideas come up AFTER Paul says he is ready
 >> to go to Beta with the new release.  I hope no one's feelings are hurt if
 >> their pet ideas don't show up until the following release.
 >Dick, no one *knew* that Paul was working on a new release, not even the beta
 >testers (of which I am one).

It makes sense to me that Paul would be collecting ideas for the next 
release as soon as the previous one goes out.  He probably has a list with 
hundreds of items on it that he has been looking into over the past two 
years.  At some point he will have a significant collection of them ready 
to go out to Beta testers.  Any suggestions coming in after that time will 
go in the pot for the following release.

As I read the organization chart, Paul and Steve are "management."  Beta 
testers are "testers."  Users are the collective wisdom that drives each 

Please forgive the rant, but I spent most of my adult life in software 
development and remember will great frustration all of the "gotta have" 
ideas I received as a release I had worked on for a year finally went into 

73, Dick
Dick Flanagan K7VC NV SM

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