Interesting Dick... you may have uncovered a "bug"... zero should work in
ver 6... and does work here...

Are you using ver 6? In earlier versions i think the cut-off was a date, not
a number.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dick White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Reflector post DX4WIN" <>
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 12:16
Subject: [Dx4win] second try

> I tried to send this using my old address and the reflector has held it
> I am sending this via my old server and address. I have tried again, for
> 3rd time, to sign up on the reflector with my new address. I sure hope it
> takes this time. The reflector may post the message below twic. Sorry for
> the band width.
> 73 again........Dick  KS0M
> Steve and all,
> My problem with DX4WIN has been solved. It was so simple that it made me
> have a good laugh.  Bill, W5VW had the answer. THANK YOU VERY MUCH BILL.
> In file / preferences / personal
>    Originally,  I had the "Worked Cutoff" and the  "Mailed Cutoff" set at
> 1965, thinking it wanted a date. It has been that way since 2001.
> Several  replies to me on the reflector said the Worked and Mailed Cutoff
> should be set to zero (0).               I did that and still had the
> problem.
> THE FIX : from W5VW : Change the Worked / Mailed Cutoff to 10000.
>  I changed my "Worked Cutoff"  and the "Mailed Cutoff" to  50000
> Results  -  PROBLEM SOLVED    All my  "W" and "M" flags are back.
> Very simple fix. Maybe my frustration level will return to whatever normal
> is.
> Thank you Steve for your offer to help.
> My thanks to all of you who replied and tried to help. This is a great
> of the reflector and usually someone comes up with the answer to a
> W5VW sure came through for me.
> 73....Dick   KS0M
> Richard C. "Dick" White        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Fulton,  MO. 65251
> Amateur Radio Station - KS0M   (ex WB0WLX / KC0MY )
> ARRL  Honor Roll / CW  -  5BDXCC / CW  #3295
> Life Member American Radio Relay League
> _______________________________________________
> Dx4win mailing list

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