OK - so I have figured out: the LoTW ADIF extract from DX4win, the ARRL 
certificates, signing the ADIF file, uploading the file, downloading the 
matching QSO confirmation results, and importing the results into DX4WIN as 
"upload confirmed QSOs".

I uploaded 15,761 QSOs to LoTW. I got 1,962 upload confirmed QSOs in 
response. All seems good, except the "upload date" is still blank. Is the 
upload date supposed to be filled in when I created the DX4WIN extract ADIF 
file, or does it get filled in when I import the "upload confirmed QSOs"?

In other words - it DX4WIN's "upload date" tracking when I _sent_ the QSOs 
to ARRL's big database, or when I _receive_ a confirmation that one of mine 
got a match? And... what action on my part actually enters the date? {please 
don't suggest that I have to hand-enter 1,961 dates... ;-}


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