John et al:

Rod, WC7N points out that if one right-clicks in the Callsign/Mgr Lookup
window, or presses Alt-M while that window is active, the contents of the
window are copied to the QSL Mgr window and the callsign is displayed in the
entry box. It may still be necessary to edit out non-address info, such as
lat/long, grid square, county,etc. but this eliminates a select/copy/paste

BTW, Rod and I are corresponding with K1XN about the optimum settings in the
Preferences/Ext Data window. Neither Rod nor I have a checkmark in the (EXE)
path, but, following Rod's advice, I have entered C:\GOLIST\GOWIN32.DLL in
the (DLL) path and enabled (checked) it.

I think we are getting closer.

Garry, NI6T


I have the same issue with RAC 2004 with respect to getting address labels.
What I do is, is to enter the call in the QSL manager window and then hit F3
to get the data from RAC. I then select the portion of the data I want to
use for the address and copy it using cntrl C and then close the RAC data
window.  Then in the QSL manager window, I hit cntrl E and paste the address
data that I copied previously.  This works, but is pretty cumbersome. If you
find a better way, I sure would like to know about it. I am thinking that it
is this way because there is a lot of extraneous data that comes from RAC
that is not pertinent to the needed address.

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