Thanks for the response, an explanation of the command syntax copied
from WA6HHQ.

Unfortunately, this information only tells me that there's an embedded
command prefix before a string sent to the control port on the K2, to
get it to send in CW what's coming next.

The information does not tell me how to redirect this string to the TXD
line for rig control, within DX4WIN.

DX4WIN can toggle several handshaking lines on the rig control serial
cable for CW keying, as well as toggle a separate serial port for the
same effect.

Neither of these methods will work with the K2, at least not via the com

I could build a diode-or adapter to parallel a conventional serial port
keyer with the Elecraft's key input.

However, I would prefer that the premier logging / station control
program on the market would support the Kenwood/Elecraft "serial CW"
mode.  If it does and I have missed it in the documentation, please tell
me what I'm doing wrong...

73  Steve KZ1X/4

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