To the newcomer it may be a bit confusing the way approved shows up as
an asterick.

--- Jim Reisert AD1C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Reports -> DXCC -> Summary
> Listing will show you the status by award and entity.  Categories are
> W(orked), M(ailed), C(onfirmed), S(ubmitted), A(pproved).  Just a
> single dot means never worked.
> -- Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
>  USA +978-251-9933, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Tony Lord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 10:13:59 AM
> Subject: [Dx4win] DXCC
> Hi all,
> I am probably being dumb here but cannot someone help me with DXCC
> reports? I have not made any submissions to DXCC for an award, other
> than upon receipt of a QSL card accepted the choice to submit for
> etc. I want to know how many DXCC entities I have worked since
> logging
> on DX4WIN. 
> If I run countries listing (All modes All bands) I get a report
> showing
> contacts worked (M & S) by Mode/Band and Prefix. However, many of the
> Prefix's are blank along the row (mode & band). Do these blank rows
> indicate Prefix's where I have received a QSL card and thus accepted
> (F2) submission for what ever award? So if I count all the prefixes
> in
> this report this would give me total number DXCC entities that I have
> worked (332 in this case)? Or just over 200 if I don't count blank
> rows?
> _______________________________________________
> Dx4win mailing list

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From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Dec 19 16:06:39 2005
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Larson)
Date: Mon Dec 19 16:11:15 2005
Subject: [Dx4win] DXCC
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

And for us old-timers the with less than  20/20 vision the difference 
between the period and asterisk is a little to subtle and has caused 
confusion here..   I  have asked for a change or at least the option to 
change one. The asterisk would be fine if the period could be dropped 
leaving it blank.


Gary McConville wrote:

>To the newcomer it may be a bit confusing the way approved shows up as
>an asterick.

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