I recently converted from version 6.03 to 7.01. I noticed what seems to be 
a change (perhaps a bug) with CW keying. It seems that under this version, 
when I use the built-in keyer, PTT is behind triggered as well, which was 
not the case previously. System is Windows XP Pro, I have COM2 set up with 
PTT delay set to 0, DTR used for CW keying, and RTS for PTT. I know that 
setting PTT delay to a non-zero value is supposed to cause PTT to fire 
before CW keying, but that's not the case here. The net effect is that it 
makes the radio (Icom 756 Pro II) act like it's not in QSK mode (which it 
definitely is; using an external key confirms that there's nothing wrong 
with the radio itself). (I can "hear" PTT being keyed as I'm using a 
Rigblaster plus, and you can hear the relay click shut just before keying 
starts, and open when finished. This was not the behavior in previous 

I did a couple of tests to make sure that I wasn't missing anything:
         I turned PTT keying via RTS off, and the behavior returned to the 
"old" way. (Unfortunately, I need PTT to use PSK, so that's not a permanent 

         I turned PTT keying back on, then turned CW keying via DTR off. 
When sending CW, PTT is engaged, but no CW is sent.

         I tried setting the PTT delay to a non-zero value, saved, then set 
it back to zero (figuring something was "stuck" somehow, but that didn't 
seem to change anything.

         None of my hardware has changed since I moved from 6.03, and 
indeed testing with that version shows correct behavior. I have migrated 
all my settings over, including the radio .RIG file, and have verified that 
all the settings are correct.

         Has anyone else seen this particular issue? Have I found a bug?

         David - K2DBK 

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