I have some answers. see below

----- Original Message ----- 
To: <dx4win@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Monday, December 25, 2006 10:11 PM
Subject: [Dx4win] Newbee

> V7.02(demo). Have some questions.  Please excuse my ignorance.
> 1) Can't minimize PSK window.  Is that possible?  What PSK and RTTY 
> windows active and minimized at same time.  RTTY is run through TNC -- 
> not MMTTY.  Thus both can be active simultaneously.
> 2) Tried changing time on a logged QSO, it won't let me.  Can change any 
> other field.

I think i can do this. I can't understand why it's not working for you.
Try press f10 to update after the change.

> 3) Tried importing my 105K QSO file via ADIF import.  Ended up with over 
> 4000 exceptions. DXCC totals per band and per mode totals didn't match by 
> a lot.  Trying to resolve and fix these differences seems like an 
> impossible task.  Having notes of the difference associated with each QSO 
> instead on in a file doesn't help.  Any suggestions?

you can search with f8 for error in "notes for this qso" . you will have all 
these qsos
If you have opened the logbook window try right click on this and write to a 
In general the biggest avantage of dx4win this moment is the right database.
This is happened because of ad1c tries.
It is strongly possible that the most of your "wrong" qsos is wrong and the 
right infos
is what dx4win has. But follow Jim's instructions and help all of us to find 
the differences.
See http://www.ad1c.us/dx4win/index.htm for dx4win infos first and 
http://www.country-files.com/dx4win/index.htm where you can find the latest 

> 4) Any way to SH/DX rather than bringing up the PACKET screen?  Was hoping 
> command lines would be available on spot display screen.


> 5) Any way to get a blank background rather than all the WINDOW's ICON's 
> showing through? 6) No field for NAME in QSO screen.  Guess one of the 
> notes fields will have to do.

You can include the name in Notes for this call. This field is the same for 
all the
qsos with the same station while the notes for this qso window has separate 
for every qso. You can print the name if you wish and to include this in 
your macros
for rtty, psk and cw. Unfortunately not a separate field.

> 7) Going to have to look through the filters section stuff a lot.  I 
> really want the capability to search through the logbook file setting 
> particular defined bands, modes and frequencies and generate a screen or 
> file of the QSO's that match.  I suppose that is possible.  Don't quickly 
> see how.

Another strong point of dx4win. You can make any combined search.
Press f8 in qso window, write the fields you like and you will have the
results under logbook window where you can save or print them.
Ofcourse you can multiple operations on these. See qso>multiple qso 

> 8) Any way to easily edit the country library within DX4WIN to quickly fix 
> things like K6H is Hawaii rather than US?  Sure one can change it for a 
> particular QSO but how about the fix working for subsequent ones?

You must close the log, make your level to expert (file>preferences)
and you can change whatever you want. I suggest that it is better to note
the mistakes and let one man (let's say Jim ad1c) to do this task. So these 
double checked and you help the others while you help yourself from what
the others found

> 9) Any way to define a wanted rig filter default per mode for the 
> IC-706iig?  Now one automatically gets the wide filter for all modes.

I am sure that it could be done because you can edit the rig files,
but i don't know more

> 10) What is update policy?  I see costs associated in going from one 
> version to another but nothing mentioned about within version updates.

Usually you must pay for the major updates (for 6.x to 7.x , etc) abt 20$
while no pay for the small ones (from 7.01 to 7.02). Unfortunately the last
years we have just one update every year

> Before spending $90, I'm interested in resolving some of the above.
> 73 de Brian/K3KO

I think that there isn't something better than dx4win even it isn't perfect
(like all things in world)
Seasons greetings Kostas SV1DPI

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