It's the same thing for all the version 6's also...  No problem if you
edit the database.  Gary - WB4SQ

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dick
> Too complicated to correct/change a manager during real time logging.
> I
> may be mistaken but I guess it was possible to edit qsl manger in the
> qso
> window in previous versions.
> Something to be corrected.   Fred PY2XB
> > At 03:14 PM 12/25/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >  >it happens here too. Same DX4WIN version. Fred PY2XB
> >
> > File -> Databases -> QSL Managers
> >
> > 73, Dick
> > --
> > Dick Flanagan K7VC NV SM
> >
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Dx4win mailing list

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From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Dec 25 23:09:53 2006
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Mon Dec 25 23:14:01 2006
Subject: [Dx4win] Newbee
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 03:11 PM 12/25/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>2) Tried changing time on a logged QSO, it won't let me.  Can change 
>any other field.

Supposed to work.  Maybe it's something about the demo program.  Or 
go into Preferences and change the user mode to Expert.

>3) Tried importing my 105K QSO file via ADIF import.  Ended up with 
>over 4000 exceptions. DXCC totals per band and per mode totals 
>didn't match by a lot.  Trying to resolve and fix these differences 
>seems like an impossible task.  Having notes of the difference 
>associated with each QSO instead on in a file doesn't help.  Any suggestions?

You can do an F8 search in "Notes for this QSO field" for the word "Error".

The DX4WIN call/prefix/country database is fairly high-quality.  I've 
been working on improving it for almost 3 years now.  The most recent 
file is at:

-- just follow the links.  You could be encountering errors during 
import that may not be related to the country file, i.e. serial 
numbers in the RST fields.

Use F8 as described to give yourself a "flavor" of the kinds of 
problems you're hitting.  I can work with you one-on-one to help 
resolve most if not all of these import problems.

>4) Any way to SH/DX rather than bringing up the PACKET screen?  Was 
>hoping command lines would be available on spot display screen.

No, commands can only be entered into the Packet Window.

>7) Going to have to look through the filters section stuff a lot.  I 
>really want the capability to search through the logbook file 
>setting particular defined bands, modes and frequencies and generate 
>a screen or file of the QSO's that match.  I suppose that is 
>possible.  Don't quickly see how.

F8 search and specify the band and mode.  Then Window -> Logbook will 
bring up those QSOs selected.  You can right-click on the Logbook 
window and invoke the Report Editor to arrange the data any way you like.

>8) Any way to easily edit the country library within DX4WIN to 
>quickly fix things like K6H is Hawaii rather than US?  Sure one can 
>change it for a particular QSO but how about the fix working for 
>subsequent ones?

Just log the QSO with the correct date/time/prefix and it will be 
added to the country file automatically.  I'll make a note to fix 
this call in the next release of the country files.

>10) What is update policy?  I see costs associated in going from one 
>version to another but nothing mentioned about within version updates.

No charge when staying within a minor version (7.01 to 7.02) but 
nominal charge for a major version upgrade.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

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