Hi all,
It's getting exciting for the upcoming contest weekend.  It should be  a fun 
As the contest manager for the MARAC CW contest one thing that I would  
caution everyone on is that I do scrutinize the scoring fairly  close.  
the contacts points, multipliers and  dups. Every effort should be made to 
ensure accuracies of the final  score.  If too many errors are found I will 
the log back for  corrections.
Good luck to all,
Randy - AA8R
MARAC CW Contest mgr.
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue May  2 07:57:39 2006
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dale Putnam)
Date: Tue May  2 10:02:11 2006
Subject: [Dx4win] Re: Multi tests in 1 wkend

>It's getting exciting for the upcoming contest weekend.  It should be  a 
>Good luck to all,

I knew when I asked for help that it would come, and it did. With many 
assisting, I have
a number of choices to choose from. And, a lot to do, I suspect that this 
will continue for a while after this weekend too.
  So, for all the help and assistance, and many constructive comments.
THANK YOU! You folks are the cream of the crop.
  One last thing, if I may, each seems to have their own preferences, and I 
bet that this will show this weekend too. Therefore, how about each get on 
the air, and make at least one/ten/hundred/thousand/s contacts, in at least 
one, two, or more of the tests this weekend?
Would be fun, and fulfilling. No matter what your goal is....
--...   ...--
C U on the air this weekend.  I'll be
WC7S qrp in Wy

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