Hi all
Since I got no response to my previous post, I will ask my question differently....
As a reminder, using DX4Win v7.01, Micro Keyer II.
When I open TrueTTY, I will get an error message about the com port being opened already. If I close DX4Win, and just open TrueTTY, it will work fine on its own.
TrueTTY asks me (in the setup) for a PTT port, and a data exchange port.
The Micro Keyer is set on com6 for DX4Win.

Within TrueTTY, which port should be common, which port should be different so that I can run them both simultaneously ? I do not think I can log directly from TrueTTY into DX4Win, but this is not the main issue at this time. I just would like to find out how I must set all this up so that I do not have to close DX4Win in order to use TrueTTY....

Thanks in advance
Paul F6EXV

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