Recently, I downloaded confirmations from LOTW.  A couple of odd
things happened.
1- I noticed it said 45 LOTW QSO's were confirmed even though I had
    downloaded 60 LOTW Confirmations. Out of curiosity, I imported the
    same file that I got from LOTW again and it said 10 LOTW QSO's
    were confirmed. Still curious, I did it again and it said 5 LOTW QSO's
    were confirmed!!  Finally, I did it again and the import report said that
    zero LOTW QSO's were confirmed!!!  
Q1- Why didn't ALL the LOTW QSO's get confirmed the first time through
     and I had to import the SAME file several times to get them confirmed?
2- During the process above, my DXCC Award Report changed in a small
    way I wasn't expecting. All the new PJ's came up as C's correctly as
    they should have which was good.  But, for Denmark, the * for Phone
    and * for 20M changed to C's. I've had these confirmed and DXCC credited
    for over 40 years!
Q2- Why would these have changed back to C's and how do I get them back
    to *'s again as they should be?
I'm running 8.04 for now since I'm still getting accustomed to the program
since installing it a few months ago.
TNX/73,     Bob K8BL
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