> I want to see two things in DX4Win
> What DX countries are confirmed with a card
> What DX countries are confirmed with LoTW

File | Awards

On the DXCC tab, check only the "QSL card" box under Confirmation.
Then click on OK.  Now generate a DXCC report/listing.

Now do the same thing, but check only the "LoTW" box under
Confirmation.  Then click on OK.  Now generate a DXCC report/listing.

If you want to know if a particular DXCC entity was confirmed by a
card *or* via LoTW (from the DXCC desk point-of-view), this won't

Jim Reisert AD1C, <jjreis...@alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us
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