One thing to be VERY VERY careful about is when you import the file from
LOTW to DX4WIN be SURE you are using the LOTWREPORT file and not reusing the
file you sent to LOTW.
For example I follow Jim AD1C's style of naming my files. If I was to send
my latest QSO's marked LoTW=Y to ARRL today I would name my file
LOTW02282016.adi. After LoTW accepts my file I can download from LoTW my
report. I name this file LOTWREPORT02282016.adi. I want to be VERY sure I
import to DX4WIN from LOTW the file LOTWREPORT and not the original LOTW
file. If you import the LOTW file you sent to LOTW all your LOTW contacts
would incorrectly show C (cfm). You have to be careful to keep the two
separate. Sounds simple but if you get distracted or are not paying
attention it could happen.

Another reason to ALWAYS back up your call.DXL file before starting a LOTW
export/import or any other changes to the log. If you screw up you can go
back to before the mistake.

Alan K7ACZ

-----Original Message-----
From: DX4WIN [] On Behalf Of Mike Cizek
Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 9:51 PM
To: 'Ed Douglass'; 'DX4WIN Reflector'
Subject: Re: [Dx4win] DX4WIN, LoTW, and the DXCC Award

Hello Ed,

The answers to all of your questions can be found here:

DX4WIN does not communicate directly with LoTW.  You use Trusted QSL to send
your information to LoTW and AD1C's Compare DXCC to LoTW utility to take
your LoTW account and compare it to your DX4WIN log.  There are several of
us on here who are happy to help you, but please read all of Jim's
instructions first, and that will likely answer many, if not all, of your
questions.  GL.

Mike Cizek WØVTT

-----Original Message-----
From: DX4WIN [] On Behalf Of Ed
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 22:14
To: DX4WIN Reflector
Subject: [Dx4win] DX4WIN, LoTW, and the DXCC Award

I would appreciate some help to more thoroughly understand in what ways
DX4WIN (v.8.05) "communicates" with the Logbook of The World program (LoTW)
and possibly also with the DXCC desk at the ARRL.  I haven't been able to
find answers to my questions using the HELP services in DX4WIN.

The ability of DX4WIN to export my logs to LoTW and for LoTW to send a
report of successful matches back to DX4WIN is wonderful.  It is not clear
to me, though, if DX4WIN also communicates with the DXCC desk at the ARRL
with regard to paper QSL cards that have been checked, submitted, and
approved.  Does DX4WIN have this ability as well?

What about the meanings of the letters W, L, M, C, S, and the asterisk(
"*") in the DXCC Listing report?

The "W" (for station worked) seems clear enough.

The letter "L" seems to mean that I put a "Y" in the box under "Label" in
the QSO window, asking DX4WIN to mark a QSO so that a label can be printed
later.  Does the "L" mean anything else?

The DX4WIN instructions say that the letter "M" means I mailed a QSL card
for a contact I made.  What is the "trigger" in DX4WIN that causes an "M"
to appear?  Is it that I have entered a date in the "QSL Date" boxes? Not
that I have put a "Y" indicating I want to create a label?  Am I right that
the "M" has to do only with my outgoing paper QSL cards?

The DX4WIN instructions say that a "C" means a QSO has been confirmed.
Confirmed by whom?  Is this because LoTW found a match to my QSO?  Or is it
because the DXCC desk knows I have a valid paper QSL card for the QSO and
tells DX4WIN about it?  Or is it because I have received a paper QSL card
and I have entered a "Y" in the "Cnfm" box?

Does an "S" (for submitted) mean that I have exported a QSO to the LoTW
program but a match was not found at the time of export?  If the other
operator exports his or her logs to LoTW after my submission, does LoTW
remember that I am still looking for a match?  Or do I have reset the upload
flag and clear the date of the original export in order to try again for a
match?  Does the "S" also signify that I have submitted a valid paper QSL
card to the DXCC desk at ARRL?

Finally, the asterisk ("*") is said to mean that the QSO has been approved
for the award.  Approved by LoTW (because LoTW found a match)?  Approved by
the DXCC desk at ARRL (because I submitted a valid paper QSL card?)  Or does
the asterisk mean simply that a matched (or Confirmed?) QSO meets the rules
of the DXCC award program?  Does the asterisk have anything to do with paper
QSL cards that have been checked and submitted to the DXCC desk?

I look forward to some help.

73 de Ed, AA9OZ

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