The DX4WIN Award database was updated on 14 August 2017.
It contains 219 awards.  This is a link to the release notes:

You can download a ZIP file of the database from:

But it's easier to use the DX4WIN Data Updater:

The ZIP file also contains a number of membership list files
(plain-text files with a .list extension). These can be used to
identify member calls in the DX Spots window. Please read the
application note on Membership Lists for more information.

Here are the changes:

    17.3 - 14 August 2017
    [30MD] 30 Meter Digital Group (updated)
    [ARI9] ARI 90 Years Award (updated)
    [AVKS] Worked All VK Shires (updated)
    [BCA] Belgian Castles Award (updated)
    [CISA] Canadian Islands Award (CISA) (updated)
    [CWOP] CW Operators' Club (updated)
    [DCI] Italian Castles Award (DCI) (updated)
    [DEE] Diploma Ermitas de Espa�a Award (DEE) (updated)
    [DEF] Diploma Estaciones Ferroviarias (updated)
    [DFCF] French Forts and Castles (DFCF) (updated)
    [DIG] Diplom Interessen Gruppe (updated)
    [DLI] Italian Lakes Award (DLI) (updated)
    [DME] Spanish Villages Award (DME) (updated)
    [DMHP] Diploma Monumentos Hist�ricos Portuguese (updated)
    [DMP] Diploma dos Munic�pios Portugueses (updated)
    [DMVE] Diploma Diploma Monumentos y Vestigios de Espa�a (updated)
    [DOK] German DOKs (updated)
    [SDOK] German Sonder-DOK (updated)
    [DVGE] Diploma V�rtices Geod�sicos de Espa�a (updated)
    [EAPV] Worked EA Provinces (Trabajadas Provincias EA) (renamed)
    [EAPV] Spanish Provinces (updated)
    [FIST] FISTS - Int'l Morse Preservation Society (updated)
    [FOC] First Class CW Operators' Club (updated)
    [H26] Helvetia Award (updated)
    [HSC] High Speed Club (updated)
    [ILLW] Int'l Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (updated)
    [JAPR] Japanese Prefectures (updated)
    [JCC] Japan Century Cities (updated)
    [JCG] Japan Century Guns (updated)
    [LAEN] Swedish Laens (updated)
    [CMLA] Canadian Maple Leaf Award (Canadian Prefixes) (renamed)
    [CMLA] Maple Leaf Award (updated)
    [NAQR] North American QRP CW Club (updated)
    [OKCO] Czech Counties (updated)
    [P070] PODXS 070 Club (updated)
    [PACC] Netherlands Provinces (removed)
    [PARG] Netherlands Region Award (removed)
    [POL] Polska Award (added)
    [POTA] Parks on the Air (updated)
    [ROBI] Russian Robinson (updated)
    [SKCC] Straight Key Century Club (updated)
    [SMIR] Six Meter Int'l Radio Klub (updated)
    [SOTA] Summits on the Air (updated)
    [USIA] United States Islands Award (updated)
    [VEPV] Canadaward (updated)
    [WADA] Worked Antarctic Directory Award (updated)
    [WAIP] Worked All Italian Provinces Award (renamed)
    [WAIP] Worked All Italian Provinces (updated)
    [WALA] Worked All Norway (updated)
    [WCA] World Castles Award (updated)
    [WFF] World Wide Flora Fauna (updated)

Please let me know if there are any problems.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, <jjreisert at>,

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