Hello friends,
There was no consensus as to whether the MFSK16 or MFSK8 was more successful 
last weekend. (You can listen to, and decode, the MFSK8 from 3 December as 
received – with difficulty– in Tasmania. This was during the 2330-2400 UTC 
broadcast on 11580 kHz from WRMI Florida.) The IFKP 1.0 did not decode for most 
listeners (including me),but there were some successes, including the image. 
This IFKP 1.0
image was decoded by Richard in New Brunswick …

This weekend, we will keep you busy for one more intensive roundof radio 
experiments, before settling down to some leisurely all-MFSK32 shows during the 
holiday period.
Three Olivia modes on the 2330 UTCbroadcast. Let’s hope that propagation 
cooperates by providing poor reception during the Sunday 2330-2400 broadcast on 
11580 kHz. During this half hour, we will transmitOlivia 64-2000, Olivia 
32-1000, and Olivia 16-500, all centered on 1500 Hz.These are all slow modes,
between 20 and 30 wpm, so the entire broadcast will consist of less than one AP 
news story. Be sure to turn the Fldigi squelch(SQL) off.
23:30:00 Music/voice introduction
23:31:03 Olivia 64-2000
23:40:22 Olivia 32-1000
23:48:48 Olivia 16-500

Fun with Flamp. Meanwhile, the other three broadcasts this weekend will be in 
the usual MFSK32. There will, however, be one item in 8PSK-1000F,the very fast 
mode (3386 wpm) we tried a few weeks ago. This time, the8PSK-1000F will be used 
conjunction with Flamp, one of the Fldigi suite of programs. Please download 
Flamp from https://sourceforge.net/projects/fldigi/files/flamp/.

Flamp will divide the news story into ten blocks of 480 byte seach. Then it 
will transmit the story four times. Any blocks that do not havethe correct 
number of characters, due to fading or interference, can be received during the 
second,third, or fourth passes. The news story that requires seven minutes to 
transmit in MFSK32 will be transmitted four times in 8PSK-1000F in about one 
Please activate Flamp before the switch to 8PSK-1000F atabout 19:30 into the 
show. Flamp will not turn on automatically (unless you have configured Fldigi’s 
Autostart). Go to Flamp’s Receive window. Flamp will showyou which blocks were 
received correctly during the first through fourthpasses.

If the file is received 100%, click Save, then go to File> Folders > rx > [date 
of reception] – then open the file SWRG25_Russia_media.txt.

Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 25,9-10 December 2017, all 
in MFSK32 except where noted:

1:34 Program preview
2:56 French engineer creates biodegradable plastic*
10:18 Russia Declares RFE/RL, VOA 'Foreign Agents'*
19:30 8PSK-1000F with Flamp: same as precedingstory **
20:40 MFSK32: Christmas markets in Germany*
26:36 Closing announcements
* with image
** Use with Flamp (see above)
Please sendreception reports to radiog...@verizon.net
And visithttp://swradiogram.net
Facebookgroup: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304

Shortwave Radiogram Transmission Schedule (2-3 December 2017)23
1600-1630 UTC 9400 kHz MFSK32/8PSK-1000F Space Line, Bulgaria 23
0600-0630 UTC 7730 kHz MFSK32/8PSK-1000F WRMI Florida 23
2030-2100 UTC 11580 kHz MFSK32/8PSK-1000F WRMI Florida 23S
2330-2400 UTC 11580 kHz Olivia 64-2000,Olivia 32-1000,Olivia 16-500
WRMI Florida

The Mighty KBC transmitsto Europe Saturdays at 1500-1600 UTC on 9400 kHz (via 
Bulgaria), with the minute of MFSK at about 1530 UTC (if you are outside of 
Europe, listen via websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ ). And to North America Sundays 
at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 7-9 pm EST) on 5960 kHz, via Germany.The minute of 
MFSK is at about 0130 UTC. Reports to Eric: themighty...@gmail.com . See also 
http://www.kbcradio.eu/ and https://www.facebook.com/TheMightyKbc/.

Italian Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) For the complete IBC transmission 
schedule visit http://ibcradio.webs.com/ Five minutes of MFSK32 is at the end 
of the 30-minute English-language “Shortwave Panorama,”per the schedule below: 
To Europe

2025-2030 UTC 1584 kHz (MW) http://myradiostream.com/radiostudiox
0325-0330 UTC 1584 kHz http://myradiostream.com/radiostudiox
2125-2130 UTC 1584 kHz http://myradiostream.com/radiostudiox 
1155-1200 UTC 6070 kHz To the Americas
0125-0130 UTC 11580 kHz F
0225-0230 UTC 9955 kHz http://wrmi.listen.creek.fm/stream
0155-0200 UTC 11580 kHz 
0055-0100 UTC 7730 kHz 

Thanks for your reception reports!

Kim via KKX

Kim Andrew Elliott, KD9XB
Producer and Presenter
Shortwave Radiogram

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