At 08:38 AM 11/11/2000 -0500, Bob wrote:
>Hello Elwyn,
>Assuming a certificate was given to me as a present, what
>do I do to cash it in? And, is PayPal the only way of buying it?

Hi Bob:

Some clarification on the gold certificates:

At present, you can also purchase from Eric Gather at Gaithman's 
E-gold Exchange, Inc.   He will have a page up today describing 
the certificate and payment options.  And World Currency Trader 
also accepts checks by fax and other means, which will be at the 
site this week.  If you do want to purchase from WCT now, send a 
note to Elwyn Jenkins at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I've used 
checks by fax  (or e-mail) for four years, and it works 
wonderfully.  I have received as much as $50,000 in one check by fax.

BTW, any Standard Reserve market maker can sell the SR Gold 
Certificates.   All you need to do is have them available on your 
site.  This week we start a major PR campaign with the Gold 
Certificates.  We are sending out a press release to 2,387 media 
contacts throughout the US and Europe.  Then we will do another 
400 through Asia and Australia.  We are also sponsoring some 
discussion lists promoting the certificates.  Right now we can 
only direct them to Gaithman and WCT.

And we have a team adding merchants where SR gold can be 
spent.  They will be on board in time for folks to use the gold 
certificates.  We have some B2B sites on board, and are now working on malls.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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