This article in the is inaccurate.
To quote  '...Rahn says that the e-gold group ( ) is already preparing to offer a digital gold system on the Web. Known as GoldMoney, the system is due to start shortly," he said....'
is totally inaccurate as anyone who does a mediocum of research will know.
a) has been operating successfully for a number of years now and expanding at a rapid growth rate with over 7 million dollars worth of transactions per day now occurring. 
As has recently been pointed out  by Claude Comier of Goldbug  '...14,329 spends spent 27,706.58 oz's of gold which has an equivalent value of US$ 7,518,409.25 in the last 24 hours (from when I viewed it).  This rate is about US$ 2.7 billon per year....'
Hardly  '...due to start shortly...'  I think
b) is a distinctly separate site based in the Isle of Man and has nothing to do with e-gold other than being a potential competitor.
It does not take much research to find the facts and this Rahn person appears lacking in the ability to aquire them yet his word is taken as gospel. I would recommend that you check your facts before accepting as gospel something that 'Rahn says' as obviously something that 'Rahn says' is not always sond is often to the contrary.
Kind regards,
Michael Moore
Moore Trade & Export
4 Chestnut Street
Carnegie  Victoria   3163
Tel +61395694110
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