
I figured I would wait until all issues were brought to the table 
before responding.  I want to talk about my background and  how 
and why I joined Standard Reserve and why I worked without pay 
for many months.

Due to the many articles I write and the 130 discussion lists I 
am on, in addition to the services we offer I am well known in 
many circles.   And my list of clients is quite well known 
(iVillage, US Superintendent of Documents, two of Al Gore's 
sites, PNY Electronics, etc) as well as the fact that I was Chief 
E-Commerce Officer for Silk Road Gifts, where we brought together 
Muhhamad Ali, Larry Holmes, Roberto Duran and Gerry Cooney for a 
unique product - a major coup in the industry.   I have also been 
involved in many startups, and  have taken a couple to the IPO stage.

As a result I get 6-8 offers a month from companies who have 
these wild ideas and grandiose plans.  I usually dismiss them 
very quickly with a couple of key question (management team, 
target market, funding, technology, etc).  I was approached by 
Standard Reserve earlier this year, and met with Elwyn & Loryn 
and others.  Using a white board they discussed the concept, and 
where they were in the process.  My first reaction was there were 
too many competitors (51 private digital currency offerings - I 
did my homework).  However, I did see an opportunity that was not 
addressed  - the flow of money through the retail supply chain, 
from the manufacturer, to the importer to the wholesaler to the 
retailer to the consumer.  After a lengthy discussion (three 
hours) we were all able to see some new market opportunities.

What else impressed me was how this group was able to react to 
change, and how we were all on the same wave length.  More 
importantly was how Loryn Jenkins was (is) his own man and is not 
threatened by Elwyn or anybody else.  He states his issues very 
clearly and argues his point very succinctly.

Well, as I was riding home from that meeting I got a call saying 
they wanted to make me an offer.  The next meeting cemented the 
deal.   I joined as Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, later to 
become CEO and I've never looked back.  You have to understand 
that the company I left (Silk Road Gifts) represented some of the 
largest giftware manufacturers in the world, and are poised to 
become a major player in that industry.  And my equity position 
was worth a fortune.  Yet, I gave it all up for this opportunity.

Since then, we have busted our butts getting the business and the 
site going, and cementing relationships. And, we are not afraid 
to address issues - favorable or not.  There have been many, many 
long hours, and many all-nighters as we brought this 
together.  And, my NYC demeanor sometimes affects people 
differently (you can only understand this if you are from or deal 
with a New Yorker <g>).  Yet, through it all there were no loss 
of tempers, no fights or arguments.  Just a working team, 
striving for the same results.  Loryn has kept his development 
team working diligently, all the while putting up with me and 
Elwyn as we bring in new deals that are far out of the scope of what we do.

Then when we got it live, and had to deal with customers and the 
issues related to the site and offerings,  we made sure that 
Phyllis (our VP/Controller) trained the support group, and was 
available at all hours to answer their support issues.  She and 
Loryn are constantly discussing the issues, and addressing them 
quickly.   Often those who have called her, are given her cell 
phone number, and she often gets calls late in the night due to 
the time differences.

The results were clearly stated by Loryn.  And that is just the 
tip of the iceberg!  There will be many, many new and innovative 
programs introduced by Standard Reserve in the next six 
months.  And we are getting the interest of funding groups, who 
are now competing for our business.

I want to that all the folks who have joined us in these early 
stages.  I want to especially thank Eric Gaither and Graham Kelly 
for their hard work in putting together some of our 
programs.  More importantly,  I want to thank Loryn, Elwyn, 
Phyllis and all of our team for giving me the opportunity to be 
part of this excellent team.

Thank you for listening and please continue to address any issues 
that you find with Standard Reserve.

George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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