At 04:21 AM 12/19/2000 +0000, eric gomez wrote:
>>hi, my name is eric gomez, I am panamenian . i recently opened an accountin
>>, because i am gonna receive money from a friend. I want to
>>ask you a question.>
>>How can i transfer funds of an e-gold account in cash ??  I know that there
>>are some independent companies who do this.>
>>Could you suggest me the best one in your opinion ???.>
>>What if i raise 250,000 USD in my e-gold account. would be any restriction
>>in convert it into cash ?? what would be the best way to do it ??>
>>help me you have more experience.>>

If you apply for a Standard Reserve Instant Anywhere account you 
will get a pin-based debit card which can be used at any Cirrus 
or Interlink ATM worldwide.  You will have to transfer your 
e-Gold to Standard Reserve Gold or Dollars, as it is not linked 
to e-Gold.  If you haven't purchased e-Gold, you can purchase 
Standard Reserve Gold without having to go through an exchange.

For further information visit or give us a call.


George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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