At 10:34 AM 2/4/2001 +1100, Michael Moore wrote:

>The only group coming anywhere near to this is Standard Reserve,  but
>without the bank.  Getting funds out with your debit card is fine  but what
>about putting them in?  We still have a ways to go.

That's why I poised the question originally.  We understood that 
getting money out of the system was difficult, so we got a debit 
card.  Now, as more folks start using the gold economy, it is 
critical that we find an easier way to get money into the system.

The dialogue we have had on this subject has been very helpful to 
me, and has given us some ideas.  "Out of the box" thinking, 
while it may seem far-fetched now, is often not as hard as you 
think.  There are a lot of ways to fund accounts, all we need do 
is figure out how to implement them.

Keep the ideas coming, no matter how bizarre they may seem.  We 
are looking for what would work best for you, and let us worry 
about how to get it working.

Thanks all.

George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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