At 4:23 PM -0500 2/23/01, Douglas Jackson wrote:
>Peter Thiel, according to today's article (correctly)
>describing the repudiable nature of PayPal payments, apparently regards
>it as appropriate to make reckless allegations that depict e-gold(r)
> as some sort of system to "launder funds". This
>(probably actionable) remark is especially ironic

I could not agree more Doug!  Jesus!  If someone made such colorings 
about my company I'd be on the fone to the lawyers before I put the 
bloody paper down.

I feel an action here could send a clear signal that it is absurd to 
associate e-gold with such crap.

Go for it!

"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend
  upon the support of Paul."  --  George Bernard Shaw

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