Dear All

Some of you may remember a few weeks ago that I posted a warning regarding 
Sparbuck's Cirrus cards.  (You may also remember some of the
unkind remarks directed towards myself for being such a fool etc..)

Well, I believe that too many people are ready to complain, and not as many 
are willing to admit a mistake.

I'm happy to bring you a happy ending to the story, and I might add,
news that I have renewed faith in my fellow man !

I had received my Sparbuck card but it was not funded with the e-gold I had 
spent.  No e-emails had been answered for over three weeks..

Several days after my original post, I tried to contact Sparbucks one last 
time.  And to my amazement, I got an answer from Martin.  Apparently, 
something had gone very wrong with the email.  He said that he would look 
into my funding problem straight away.  Within 48 hours my card was funded 
correctly.  Then, my saga continued (I was obviously not meant to get this 

After confirming with the Parex bank that the funds were in my card account 
(very helpful staff with good english skills) I went to an ATM to try it 
out.  The *&%^ing machine took my card !!  (Not happy at this point in 
time...)  Needless to say the local bank people were less than helpful 
towards this (probably a criminal, look at his narrow eyes..) person with a 
numbered card, and refused to give it back, in fact they destroyed it as I 
watched..  (Hold me back !!)

I contacted Sparbucks with my story of woe, and found that they were 
extremely helpful.  I offered to pay for a new card replacement, but they 
said (and I quote) "This ones on us, sorry for all your problems.."  They 
sent a new card to me in Australia via UPS (USD$50) which I received in 3 
days.  And...... IT WORKS !!  Money received OK via ATM.  All at no cost to 

I would like to publicly thank Martin from Sparbuck's for showing some REAL 
customer service, and also to apologize for casting Sparbucks in a bad light 
earlier.  They have fully redeemed themselves in my opinion, and I would be 
happy to refer them to my friends.  And will.


c.c. Sparbucks

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