At 01:40 PM 3/23/2001 +1200, Sidd wrote:
> >Is it true that the bloke behind !!PECUINX!! is the SAME bloke behind
> >CharityChase, EMutualFun, and DigitalStocks?
> >
> >Anyone know?
>Yes, I know!
>The guy behind the now defunct was a guy from NZ
>called Danny.

The solicitation spam for investing in PECUNIX came from Danny N. 
Mallinder of NZ.  Same or coincidence?

It amazes me to think that somebody believes that today's 
investors will invest in a dream.  Now-a-days they want to see a 
working proof of concept - that the plan is developed, tested and 
it works.  And, that you have experienced people who can carry 
out the plan, and continue to make the business grow.  And, 
forget the costs of technology - it's what is needed to generate 
business that's important to investors.


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