At 05:37 PM 3/26/2001 -0500, Elwyn Jenkins wrote:

>1. We are running on very low funding and have managed to do some awesome
>things with essentially very little money - any money we have is essentially
>because I worked my butt of to get Standard Reserve and Gold Economy off the
>ground - in the economic environment with essentially very little funding I
>am proud we can nearly make ends meet already!!!!!;

Just to clarify Elwyn's message, he was referring to Gold 
Economy, which he started with virtually no funding 
whatsoever.  It was taking him the better part of his day to get 
the word out about the gold economy, for which he has done a marvelous job.

However, we needed him desperately in Standard Reserve, and 
finally convinced him to pass the reins of that fine publication 
off to Ken Griffin.

SR has some fine backers and we are looking forward to a very 
successful year and beyond with the excellent programs we have in 
place - like the Instant Anywhere (ATM) cards and our new 
Corporate Payment Process that will pay employees in any part of the world.

And having EJ back full time in SR really paid off, as today he 
brought in a deal that starts with 10,000 employees being paid 
through Instant Anywhere, with the total number of employees to be 300,000.

So, while EJ was justifiably correct in defending the statements 
against him, I for one am very glad to see he is out of Gold 
Economy, and I am sure Ken will do a terrific job with it.


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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