Perhaps E-Gold might want to reconsider hosting it's servers in the 
US in the light of this raid. All it will take is a US Attorney or 
two hopped up on cocaine who decides he wants a big publicity case 
with little possible backlash. They can them say (and probably quite 
truthfully) that E-gold is used by Russian gangsters, Caribbean drug-
dealers, Libyan terrorists etc. to move money around, declare it a 
RICO case and win or lose don't count on getting your servers back 
for 5-10 years. At least the gold is stored (I believe) in Canada, 
but I'm sure the US could have them sieze it with a bit of diplomacy.

What I'd recommend if I were running a fiat currency is to divide the 
physical metal between say 10 stable, reasonably lawful countries 
like Holland, the UK, France, Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, Taiwan, 
Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand (you get the idea). Then if one 
government does decide to boost their coffers by siezing the gold, 
while it is a disaster it isn't a total disaster and the operators 
can try and start repurchasing metal with their profits to bring the 
levels back to established levels (or maybe reduce everyone's 
holdings by 10%).

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