At 12:58 AM 3/30/2001 -0500, C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc. wrote:
>On 29 Mar 2001, at 23:04, George Matyjewicz wrote:
> > Read my statement above once again.  They are committed, but not
> > yet funded.
>George, most of these committments are for SR-USD if I read well
>what you have said over tha past many weeks. And this currency
>is not part of the Gold Economy.

We don't know yet.  We have some very large groups coming on with 
us, and it is the individuals choice  (within each group) to use 
SR USD or SR AUG.   They have signed up, paid for our 
establishing specific programs, and now we are working out the 
details on how and when to fund the accounts.  It could be all SR 
USD, all SR AUG or a combination of both.

I keep saying there is a big world out there that is non-gold, 
and they have the same transactional issues.

Stay tuned - we will be updating.


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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