> > Capitalism succeeds because it is based upon one of humanity's
> > greatest failings... Greed.
> Greed - the desire to improve one's situation - is not a failing; it
> is a virtue.

Wow, I agree!

There are those who set their image of man to be somewhat different than man
is. Then when man doesn't live up to their image, they say that man has
failed. The ideal -- virtue -- is in defined by what man IS, not by what
some people would LIKE him to be.

Greed is good! However, the English Language, as extent as it is, is
limited. There are those who tie greed in with the desire to exceed at ALL
costs, even those costs which specifically violate the rights of others.
Yet, there is no word to make the distinction between the two: the type of
greed where one desires to strive and succeed to be the best that one can
be, making as much money as possible; and the second type of greed where one
simply takes from others, more and more, without regard to human rights.


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