>>Also irrespective of the merits or non merits of 'HYIP' and 
'investments'  one presumes the people participating are over 21 (or 
18 in some states)  and in their right minds and not wearing bright 
green trousers and a propeller on their heads.

<pictures Harry Secombe and the other Goons as models for HYIP, run 
by the likes of Count Moriarty and Grypthe-Thingee>

I tend to presume that people who consistently fall for HYIPs do tend 
to fall into the above categories. Whenever someone is trying to 
pitch me to join a MLM or pyramid scheme of some sort or another, I 
always agree to listen to them provided they agree with me upfront 
that "multi-level marketing is a scam'. Then I listen to them rabbit 
on and interject occasionally by saying 'Yes, that's fine, but 
remember that MLM is a scam' over and over.

People who invest their e-gold, OSgold, government paper-money and/or 
time and effort in HYIPs are fools. People who do it over and over, 
despite being ripped off every time, to me are the dumbest 1% of 
suckers. I have NO sympathy for them as they have no-one else to 
blame for their mistakes.

Also I'd like to thank those who have contributed to the E-qold 
takedown fund, however I doubt my friend will be willing to drop 
everything and perform similarly in future given the grand total so 
far is $15.

Any additional contributions are welcome to account


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