Steven wrote:
> Care to elaborate on that HYIP reference ?
>> How many have you tried and what were their names.

>This is amazing.  I cannot decide between (1) this is just bull or 
(2) a genuine inability to think.

>If it is taken seriously then it explains a lot!  

>Seriously making such an argument indicates the lack of any 
conceptual means to distinguish reality from fantasy.  Such people 
evidently will just try anything at random to see what immediately 
happens and they cannot conceive of any other means of validation.   
They do not seem tobelieve in or know about such things as cause and 
effect, objective reality, reasoning, or understanding.  Apparently 
they really believe in magic!

Precisely what I've been saying. The suckers who fall for HYIPs seem 
to lack the ability to discern that it's a scam, and when they are 
burnt lack the reasoning to understand why they were burnt (it was a 
scam, the people running it are crooks etc.) and see nothing foolish 
about immediately looking for a similar scheme to give more money to.
In some ways it's similar to 'magical thinking' (as a psychologist 
would put it). I was trying to explain to a friend once, and to be 
honest he isn't very bright, why it was a bad idea for him to invest 
several thousand dollars on worm-farm equipment. I explained to him, 
quite simply, that once he had paid the money and commenced growing 
the worms, there was little likelihood that the promoters would 
actually pay the quoted figure to buy back the worms. He seemed to 
think i was an absolute fool and, flabbergasted, said 'But I've got a 
legal contract!'. I tried to point out to him that a legal contract 
wasn't much use when the promoters moved on and he didn't know where 
they were. He then claimed that he had their phone number....
There is also, of course, a strong element of naivete as well, and an 
underlying belief (based on faith of course) that:

They are honest so everyone else must be honest also;

If these people were crooks 'the authorities' wouldn't let them 
operate (which is very funny considering the supposed OS nature of 
many schemes);

Any money they lose will be made good by someone, somewhere.

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