At 11:18 PM -0400 5/23/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd echo Jay's thoughts, I'm especially begging everyone to
click on this URL and read it carefully!

>* * * * * * 
>the advice given here should be followed when possible:
>* * * * * *

and I'll add a few things.

1. JP, you da MAN! (I haven't said that lately, but in addition to
writing he also
managed to explain WHY the charts usually work to me in a
way that even I understood!).

2. Multiple pass(words/phrases) mean multiple opportunities-
to-forget-them, in my experience and that of the hard-working
and usually-under-appreciated e-gold pass-phrase team.

Hopefully, folks who've waded through the messages (huh?
None of you were watching the last Voyager tonight?) will do
themselves a favor, and log into their e-gold accounts in the
"account info" section, and MAKE SURE all account info is
complete and up to date, with a complete and accurate mail
address! Add fax/alternate-phone numbers (especially fax!)
and in the areas like "additional description" put identifying
and unique information like:

My favorite kittycat's name is

Boomer T. Kitty.

Passphrases are a security issue, but imagine being on the
passphrase team, having to deal with a perturbed person, in
a polite way, while understanding the potential for abuse or
fraud at the same time. These guys (and girl) have ONLY
the data that WE GIVE THEM. A blank line tells NOTHING!
Boomer T. Kitty (who I'll be visiting next week!) is hardly a
nothing -- he's something!

Imagine being in someone else's shoes, trying to protect an
angry version of you from (yourself? a crook? Who knows!!)
when-not-if you forget your passphrase. The job IS NOT fun,
but you can make it easier with very little effort now. Thanks
for using e-gold, and keep the good ideas coming!

"e-gold is to 'money' what email is to letters."  -- JP May
Regards, James M. Ray  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> PGP = 0xAE141134 
Try a FREE e-gold account:  to buy/sell or 
if you think this message was worth "2 cents."

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