yeah, here's the whole thing!

>                        IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE             |
>                             ANGUILLA CIRCUIT                    |
>                                 (CIVIL)                         |MAY
>                                A.D. 2001                        |
>Claim No. 2001/0039
>                                DIGIGOLD.NET LIMITED
>                                                        Claimant
>                                AND
>                                SYSTEMICS INC.
>                                IAN GRIGG
>                                                        Defendents
>                                INJUNCTION
>I, BARRY DOWNEY, of One W. Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 950, Baltimore,
>21204, being duly sworn MAKE OATH and say as follows:
>1. That I am attorney at law, admitted to practice in the State of
>The United States Counsel to Ltd, the Plaintiff herein.
>addition, I also represent some of the shareholders of the
>Defendant Company. I have full knowledge of certain information
>relevant to
>this suit and am duly authorised to make this Affidavit in support of
>Plaintiff's application for an injunction against the Defendants.
>2. The Defendant Company, Systemics Inc. is a Nevis corporation. The
>Defendant Ian Grigg is the principal shareholder of the Defendant
>Corporation, its Software System Manager and one [sic] the
>said Corporation.
>3.  In or about August 1999 the Plaintiff, a Nevis Corporation,
>into a software licence agreement with the said Defendant Company,
>Systemics Inc. whereby the Defendant Company would developed [sic]
>under the software license [sic] a product that is a gold backed
>digital cash called "DigiGold".  The DigiGold digital cash can be
>traded against other financial instruments using the Market Server
>developed by the Defendants.  The Plaintiff pursuint to the Agreement
>funded this development.
>4. A further Agreement between the parties provided that the
>shareholders are entitled to 25% of the shares in the Defendant
>copy of the said Software Licence Agreement is exhibited herewith and
>labelled "BD1" for identification.
>5. The Market Server and the server hosting the software and related
>are housed and operated in Anguilla.
>6. Pursuant to the agreement the Plaintiff has provided funding on
>and "as requested basis" under this Agreement.
>7. The total funds that have been sent by the Plaintiff Company and
>shareholders over the two-year period are approximately
>far as the Plaintiff is aware, this is the total funding that the
>received from all sources.
>8. The Second named Defendant, made his last request for funds in May
>Thereafter, the Plaintiff made several attempts to get him to ask for
>funds, but in October 2000, the Second Defendant, as agent of the
>Named Defendant, indicated for the first time that the relationship
>parties had changed and he did not think he could continue working
>Plaintiff [sic].
>9. The Plaintiff has made several attempts to get the Defendants to
>additional funding, but the Second-named Defendant either did not
>respond to
>these requests or indicated that he had made other commitments and
>know if he could continue to support the projects and would let the
>know. The plaintiff has made attempt after attempt to enter into
>resolve the dispute without results. A copy of the e-mailed
>exhibited herewith as a bundle and labelled "BD2" for
>10. On May 21, 2001, the Second named-Defendant sent a notice to the
>that precipitously terminates the support for DigiGold and indicates
>DigiGold server will be taken offline as of Friday, May 25, 2001.
>11. This termination will cause immediate and irreperable damange to
>and to all persons who hold any balance of the digital cash DigiGold.
>Defendants intend and will exclude [sic] DigiGold from the Market
>12. "DigiGold" has been operational in beta form for over one year.
>cash has been sold over this period and a substantial amount of the
>is outstanding in the market that will be rendered useless if the
>server is pulled offline and the software support is discontinued.
>13. The Plaintiff has repeatedly confirmed its willingness to
>funding the
>project under the software license but to no avail. The Plaintiff
>the funding if necessary to confirm its commitment to fulfil its
>under the said license.
>14. The intervention of the Court is unfortunately necessitated to
>termination of the support for the Digigold digital cash and the
>Digigold from the Market Server. This will allow the parties to
>begin arbitration or other appropriate legal proceedings to resolve
>and to either continue the Plaintiff's relationship with the
>Defendants or
>obtain the DigiGold and Market Server software and hardware necessary
>for it
>to take over the support and development of these projects.
>15. We ask the Court to issue an immediate injunction that Because
>[sic] the
>Defendants repeatedly have asserted how easy it is to remove
>themselves from
>legal process by "jumping a plane to the next Island", and because
>software and hardware cannot function without the Second-named
>Defendant's involvement or without his first providing sufficient
>Plaintiff, Plaintiff also asks the Court to exercise its jurisdiction
>Defendant and prevent his flight from Anguilla.
>16. Accordingly I respectfully ask that this Honourable Court grant
>application for an injunction restraining the Second named Defendant
>by himself of [sic] by any of his servants or agents or any of them
>from terminating support for the DigiGold project or from taking the
>off-line or from removing the software or hardware from this
>further, that the Second-named Defendant be restrained from leaving
>jurisdiction of Anguilla.
>17. Insofar as the content of this Affidavit is within my personal
>knowledge, it is
>true and insofar as it is not within my personal knowledge, it is
>the best
>of my knowledge, it is true to the best of my knowledge, information
>belief. [sic]
>SWORN to by the within-named              )                  ( B D )
>BARRY DOWNEY                              )
>This 25th day of May 2001                 )                BARRY
>                                          )
>                                          )
>Before me:                                )
>             (Tracie Marie Nye)
>             __________________
>             Notary Public
>             TRACIE MARIE NYE
>      My Commission Expires August 2,2004

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