Slavery was well suited to producing wealth (for the owner) in the 
ancient world or middle ages, where there really wasn't that big a 
distinction between a slave and a serf or a farmer/tradesman. In the 
19th century, the capitalists realised that with the labour intensive 
jobs done by slaves being far less prominent, it was cheaper to 
use 'wage slaves' who didn't need to be fed, clothed, housed or kept 
 from running off. Additionally when they wore out, were injured, went 
blind or mad or whatever, they could be easily replaced by another 
willing wage-slave with no loss of investment by the capitalist.

I.E. Why would I pay a substantial sum (and good slaves have always 
been expensive items, except when there has been a huge surplus), 
then have to pay to feed and house the slaves, pay guards to watch 
them, have the risk that they will escape or murder me in my bed, 
when I can open a factory and have willing workers beg me for the 
opportunity to generate wealth for me, and usually paid a pittance? 
Some might think the slaves had a better deal.


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