At 06:42 PM 6/17/2001, Bob wrote:
>George Matyjewicz wrote:
> > Unfortunately, an association like eCTA doesn't carry much weight
> > unless it is licensed, like the Bar Association,
>We in the US do not have a choice but to deal with licensed lawyers.
>What? There's a bunch of unlicensed lawyers sitting around out there
>waiting for business to come their way? We don't have any choice in
>the matter because of the government. That's why the ABA has weight.
>It's legally taken choice away from us here in the US.

Yes.  They are called Paralegals and are legal in many 
states.  And they are called accountants or tax preparers, rather 
than CPAs.  The difference is if you want to deal with the court 
you need a lawyer, or with investors you need a CPA.

>Licenses are just an anti-competition thing. They certainly don't
>mean you're good at what you do as lawyers, doctors and pipefitters
>have demonstrated over and over again.

How else does one evaluate a professional?

>Why should anybody pay a government for permission to work? That
>doesn't make any sense, George. It's rediculous concept.

Who is suggesting paying for permission to work?  Licensing can 
be an education issue.  CPAs are licensed by the state board of 
education, not the government.

>If money changers should be licensed, why shouldn't private money
>producing companies be required to be license by the government?

Who said they should be licensed?  I said an association that is 
not a licensing body is merely a trade association, and has 
little weight in the business world.   Does the Web Consultant's 
Association mean anything?  Would you select a Web consultant 
because he/she was a member of that association?

I personally believe the eCTA is a good thing.  However, I don't 
know if it will make the general public feel any better.  Let's 
give a scenario here:  assume an exchange agent decides to offer 
poor service to a customer, or rips off a customer.  Will the 
eCTA black ball that agent?  What if it's not true?  Will the 
eCTA run the risk of being sued for defamation of character?

If it doesn't protect the public or settle arbitration, then it 
is merely a trade association organized for the benefit of it's members.


George Matyjewicz,  President/General Manager
Standard Transactions (BVI) Limited
World Wide Currency for the World

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