Eric makes an excellent point.  At the very least, ECTA ("Eck-tah"?) 
will at the very least weed out the grossest problems he describes 

Go ecktah!

Question -- when does the ecktah web site appear?

>   Is this operation "Goldie Exchange" for real?
>   They take credit cards (trouble in the making), offer a 10% premium on
>outexchanges (he will go broke quickly at that rate) and has very little
>contact info on the site other than e-mail addresses. Has anyone MET this
>guy/girl or received ID on them?
>   I am not trying to pick on him/her.  I just think this is another horror
>story waiting to happen.  I envision two scenarios:
>    a.  He/She is legit.  Takes credit card orders and ends up screaming
>"help" after being hit by the scammers like RTGold did a few weeks back
>since Omnipay offers no education to new MM's on the MASSIVE amounts of
>fraud that takes place against MM's accepting cc's.
>    b.  It is a front to lure lots of people into sending in outexchanges (7
>days for a check??) and will close up shop and vanish before anyone is the
>   Of course, if "a" is true he will get no help in recovering lost funds.
>If "b" is true, the need for the eCTA will just be highlighted once again.
>     Of course, I am secretly hoping for "c".
>      c.  It is a legitimate operation.  He will learn the mistakes of
>credit cards EARLY in his career.  He develops a HUGE fan club and retires
>early after selling his now multi-million dollar MM service to the next
>ambitious entrepreneur!
>     Three cheers for option "C'!!
>     Eric

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