>It should attract real businesses, instead of scams
>and porn sites!


I don't know how crystal clear it can be:

As an example, which I've explained to Jim:

(1) a real-world major online brokerage approached my company and 
said "we want to totally adopt this e-gold stuff, it sounds neato, we 
want to fully integrate e-gold to the world's markets"

(2) looked into the whole thing technically -- no worries

(3) they said "so, how do we reach these users, where do we buy the 
email addresses of all users or advertise to users"

(4) i said, Oh, there's no method for reaching egold users

(5) they said "what a fucking stupid conversation this is"

Obviously, us e-gold fans needn't worry about the fact that 
majorbrokerage.com wanted to completely integrate e-gold with the 
world's financial markets, but then noticed the obviosity that there 
is no way to reach e-gold users, and hence fucked off ...... hey, we 
have BiffsEgoldCigarShop.com and VWMemorabiliaByEgold.com  ... who 
needs fucking majorbrokerage.com eh?

majorbrokerage.com does not give a flying fuck about putting a banner 
ad on golddirectory.com (sorry Bob! :) )

It's just ****NOT REAL COMPLEX**** ....

... since there is NO METHOD to reach e-gold users, there just cannot 
be, it is a logical impossiblity for there to be, any such thing as a 
"e-gold business"

Every single user of Bananagold is .......... from the e-gold list.

You can have "e-gold list businesses" (eg, pissweak affairs like 
Bananagold, BiffsEgoldCigarShop.com, VWMemorabiliaByEgold.com), but 
there is no such thing as a "e-gold business"

"Great ventures create great mottos."

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