Certain slapheads on this list seem to be missing the main reason 
that MMs will never be able to tell where e-gold originated from. It 
is 100% instantly transferrable. If I set up an e-gold account and 
swindle an old lady in Ohio while pretending to be a door-to-door 
weather-vane salesman, I can instantly transfer the e-gold to the 
account of a respected Minister of Religion in Belgium, who can then 
go to a MM and have it drawn on as a cheque to his charity. The MM 
has no way of knowing what account the e-gold originated in, or if it 
has been transferred legitimately as a payment or gift between the 
parties or as a ruse to hide the funds.

Similarly for MMs who may be the subject of the police or other 
regulatory bodies, the easiest thing to do is:

1: Don't hire a lawyer. It's a waste of money. What is the lawyer 
going to do, anyway? Wave a magic wand and make the investigation go 
away? If the government wants to subpoena your records etc., just 
tell them the truth. You received such and such a cheque, or such and 
such an e-gold payment, and paid it to so and so an individual. 
That's all they really want to know anyway. 

If they want to play games and engage you in correspondance, 
demanding details without a court-order just start sending them long 
and nonsensical letters involving The World Bank, The Illuminati, The 
Reptoids and UFOs. The beauty about representing yourself legally is, 
as that great man Peter Clyne used to say, that lawyers are bound by 
professional rules and court regulations while you are not. 

Similarly if the police want to question you, and start trying to 
chat about the weather, what e-gold is etc., jsut ask them to get to 
the point, that you're a busy person and don't want to waste too much 
of your time. Some police use as a tool the threat that they will tie 
you up in red tape, force you to spend a fortune on legal fees etc. 
Simply reply that you have a similar philosophy and always challenge 
any subpoena or court order with as many appeals as you can 
(preferably ones which don't cost anything), always represent 
yourself and take as long as you can. Tying up the governments time 
and resources is a very worthwhile thing to do, even if there is a 
modest personal cost required. Oh, and make sure you always insist on 
a jury trial for absoloutly anything.

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