First of allf all, please don't take my comments personally.

My bottom line was that IMO e-gold is more of a peer-to-peer currency then a 
peer-to-merchant currency.


>> Furthermore, it would be a tax nightmare.  


>That's why we invented computers. That's why businesses hire accountants

>and/or purchase tax software such as Quicken. Running a business is

>already a tax nightmare in and of itself.


Business can hire accounts but in most cases, can not write the tax code.  They have 
to accout for one fees in grams instead of USD or whatever.  They also have to account 
for every exchange because of buying and selling of a capital assets.  They also have 
to account for catipal gains.  Aside from that, they have to deal with a currency that 
is already linked by some government agencies to money laundering and so forth.


>> If standard reserve can somehow link SR-AUG directly to the card and not the

>> "CARD USD" that it is now, they have a big chance.


>They probably can't. SR-USD & SR-AUG are two separate and distinct

>currencies just like e-gold and e-silver are. SR-USD are not backed by

>gold. It just like the fact that I can't spend into your e-platinum

>account with my e-silver.


it could happen if you could do a metal-to-metal exchange.  If Standard Reserve 
automatically did a metal to metal when someone wants to withdraw USD from a SR-AUG 
account, its possible.  Standard Reserve can do this because they didn't split up 
their company like G&SR/e-gold.


2 cents worth?

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