At 09:36 AM -0400 07/21/2001, Ken Griffith wrote:
>The fact that many market makers are now offering to pay YOU above spot to
>buy your e-gold suggests that my prediction is coming true.  The price of
>e-gold is now higher than the price of gold, and it isn't just exchange
>fees.  It holds its value at that price.
>Any comments?

I couldn't agree more, I just wish that EFF 'got it' like you just did. 

mentions transaction fees, but neglects to mention that many of you
would probably like to take all their gold off of EFF's hands at a 1%
mark-up, making e-gold superior to the big check they seem to ask
for instead. Oh well, at least they take e-gold (& considering various
recent nasty things, now might be a good time to contribute again).

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