>Of course they don't mention scams in a prospectus. But mentioning MLM and
>Gaming is exactly the same.

That is like saying all women are the same or that all cars are the same.  
There is such a thing as differences, similarities and identities. Are all 
Woudts the same?

I do not see that scams are being specifically targeted any more than my any 
other currency supplier.

>PS: Even more interesting is the following phrase in their prospectus:
>"During the year 2000 e-gold experienced explosive growth, partly due to
>work done by the founders of pecunix incorporated."
>Now that we all know where this growth of e-gold came from, what does this

Oh come now, what are you covertly implying?  Are you saying that e-gold 
only grew out of scams? and implying that the Founders of Pecunix are scam 
artists as well as all those people who opened e-gold accounts and the 
market makers who grew to service them?  Is this your opinion of the e-gold 

I imagine both Pecunix AND e-gold would not take lightly to that view.  And 
you posted it on the discussion list as well!  tsk tsk.

I think a lot of honest people are actually responsible for the growth of 
e-gold, not the least ALL those that use it one way or another including 
YOU?  Do YOU have an e-gold account?


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