"C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc." wrote:
> On 21 Jul 2001, at 18:22, Julian Morrison wrote:
> > They will mumble about "aiding tax evasion"
> Well...then explain why the MONEX, FIDELITRADE and other
> bullion dealers in the US have been selling gold for cash since they
> exist and have not been shut down... Why would a GBC issuer be?

How many people speed on the roads? Nearly everyone. When the police
want to harass someone, when they want an excuse to stop them, they'll
pull them over for speeding. Likewise when they want to pad the budget
with ticket fines.

When the law is not objective, it becomes a weapon to use at whim. The
laws surrounding the concept of money laundering and tax evasion are
VERY not objective, and mostly a judgement call by the very folks who
stand to gain from finding "probable cause".

> >or construe the website as
> > "operating inside the USA".
> Doesn't make sense in law. The location of the website is where
> the operations take place. The users are the visitors. The only thing
> the governement can do is to forbid their citizens to buy these
> currencies.

You don't grok. They don't need a reason, they need an excuse. One they
have siezed your computers, smashed up your offices "searching", and
arrested the personnel, they have plenty of time to find reasons. Even
if they have to give up the prosecution the USA law currently will let
them stubbornly hang onto computers as evidence, and require *you* to
expensively and laboriously sue for their return.

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