Jim Davidson wrote:
> one thing they do mention in that excellent book is the
> "worry" by USA fedgov officials that there may come in
> the 21st Century into being some 5,000 new countries.
> Think of it.  Five thousand different sovereign territories.
Thank you for bringing this up. Each individual person is sovereign - or was
meant to be held so by certain embodiments of the US as a community. This means
no one - absolutely no one - can do anything to another individual without that
individuals' fully aware agreement. This is the basis of all human action and 

The FED system abborgates that cherished state by issuing notes (evidences of
debt) and their associated quasi contracts of compelled performance. Same with
all governments and so-called statutory law (corporate edicts).

Gold, as in e-gold, GoldMoney, etc., reaffirms the sanctity of sovereignty by
being pure substance having no attached hidden contracts of compelled
performance. It is for this reason (among others) I got in early with e-gold and
continue to promote the basic concepts of freedom and rights that dealing in and
with pure substance holds for individuals of themselves and within a community.

The terrified controllers can be even more terrified contemplating 6 billion
sovereign individuals.

Life, Love and Laughter,
Dale Pond
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
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